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Counteracting whackos

Help somebody today, for Christ's sake

Help somebody today, for Christ's sake

Here we go again.

A twisted individual does disgusting, morally corrupt things while at the same time claiming to be a zealot for God.

Talk about gasoline on the fire of public skepticism toward the idea of faith!

I recognize that most people reading the bizarre story about the 18-year hostage in a California backyard will not blame Christianity for what happened.

Despite the confessed culprit’s declaration that he was an avid follower of God and talked to Him all the time, most people believe that whackos lack a true vertical connection.

Some people, though, will add another layer of “All Christians are phony fanatics” thinking to their wall of resistance to the true things of God.

It’s already difficult enough to connect with unsaved hearts now because of the carnal clutter resident within the lost person’s heart.

When extreme examples of religious people doing terrible things hit the news, however, the resistance to anything Christian sometimes grows even stronger.

The nearly unbelievable story unfolding in California will be exploited in books and movies, you can be sure.

The Enemy will certainly exploit it as well.

You know how Hollywood typically portrays religious people who do bad things.

The now-29-year-old woman and her two children by the perverted abductor are going to need a lot of ministry in the years ahead.

In fact, all those associated with this worse-than-Jerry-Springer-Show situation need prayer.

Lots of prayer.

While you’re praying for the abductee and her family, please pray that servant-hearted Christians quickly come alongside those in this conundrum of corruption and confusion.

The sooner the world sees that real Christianity is a nurturing, encouraging and restoring enterprise, the sooner the public will be steered away from thinking all Christians are whackos who exploit others for selfish purposes.

Oh yeah, and don’t just pray for those in this mess in California. Look for somebody in your circle of influence who needs nurturing, encouraging and restoring.

Perhaps that person’s life situation is twisted.

Perhaps it is quite mainstream but just damaged by a bad break.

In either case, just care enough to minister to them. Please.

The more that everyday people see Christians doing this stuff, the less likely they’ll be to embrace Satan’s lies that all Christians have deep “issues” and should be avoided.

As always, I love you

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