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Getting wiser

Wisdom - a light in the darkness

Wisdom - a light in the darkness

I’m convinced that wise people aren’t necessarily smarter than others.

It’s just that they are more willing to think in logical, historically valid ways.

I was reading from Isaiah 5 this morning when I encountered this passage:

“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil,

who put darkness for light and light for darkness,

who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter” (v. 20).

At first, I thought this passage seemed like more of a literary device than it was a divine message. But then I realized how relevant these words are to how our world is degrading spiritually and culturally.

Though Isaiah’s words were written more than 2,700 years ago, they are just as germane as if he had sent an e-mail to me this morning with the same message.

You’ll recall, of course, that Isaiah’s book was written just before the destruction of the Northern Kingdom. God had warned the 10 northern tribes of Israel to repent and live according to scripture, yet they ignored Him.

There was too much fun and worldly stuff to be had and they weren’t going to allow Jehovah’s lifestyle principles to get in the way of their enjoyment.

They found out later that they should have listened to God and not the whisperings of the Devil.

The pattern of human history since has been no different.

Look again at the passage above.

Do the majority of Americans now call evil good and good evil?

Consider this: Rampant immorality of every sort, endemic lying and readily available abortion pills are just some of what are becoming socially acceptable behaviors.

Yet, calling for the banishment of abortion pills is seen as insensitive to a confused woman’s emotional needs and as disrespectful toward the dignity of a woman who should be able to make her own decisions without interference from religious zealots.

Calling people to account for lying is rejected as a judgmental act of hypocrites who have lied themselves and who have no business defending the place of truth. Besides, isn’t “almost right” good enough?

Also, anyone calling people to the principle of sexual completion with his or her spouse AFTER the wedding is considered Puritanical, strange, controlling and driven by unresolved personal issues.

Wow…. are you seeing how relevant this verse is?

Watch most any movie today or watch any handful of network sitcoms and you’ll see exactly how this verse is being proven correct.

Deeds of darkness are being presented as lofty choices worthy of the spotlight.

And deeds of interventional holiness — such as non-violent Christian opposition to homosexuality or abortion — are seen as dark, selfish signs of religious animosity toward those who are different.

Listen, to the person who has never drank vodka or whiskey, a big swig sets the mouth on fire and the body into a tizzy. The reaction is bitter.

But to the one desensitized by continued ignoring of the body’s early reaction, the liquor too often becomes a sweet bridge to destruction. First of the cells and then of the family and then of the soul.

And so it is with anything conceived by the Devil.

Don’t buy his lies. Help others, too, to see his ultimate scheme — taking souls to hell with him so that God can’t get eternal praise.

Do remember that he masquerades as an angel of light (2 Cor. 11:14).

Do good as the Bible defines good.

Stand in the Light by imitating the Light of the world.

Overflow with sweet Spirit of God flooding your life.

Live as a testament to faith, not to phoniness.

Then you’ll be wiser.

As always, I love you

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