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From hunter to hunted

To hear this Morning Devotion, please click From hunter to hunted



One week, he’s the hunter.

The next week, he’s the hunted.


It’s not an easy thing to lay down the spear, particularly when there’s a good chance that the person picking it up might try to use it against you.

But that’s just what happened when a Christian-persecuting man named Saul “saw the light” and joined the ranks of the redeemed.

Saul, who later became known as Paul, was transformed by God from being a rampaging destroyer of Christians into Jewish Enemy #1.

Thousands of Jews wanted him dead, including many who had once cheered Paul’s efforts to see Christians dead.

In a way, it must have been hard for these Christian-hating Jews to deal with Paul. After all, he was such a good theological thug, arresting many Christians and seeing to it that some of them were executed.

But then he went “Jesus” on them.

The nerve of the guy!

You know the phrase — “Hell hath no fury like a 1st Century, Christian-hating Jew scorned.

OK, so you know the phrase that is similar to that. Just trying to make a point here, ya know.

The book of Acts is filled with stories of attacks on Paul by mobs who typically were stirred up by jealous, Christian-hating Jewish leaders.

These were tough times for Paul. He was doing what was right and yet he was suffering at the hands of people doing wrong.

Oh, by the way, many thousands of people became Christians through the many churches Paul planted during this season of harrassment.

Was Paul ever tempted to walk away from his faith and into a less-stress life? I’m sure he was tempted all the time.

But he always saw the trap.

And that’s why he always chose to stand in front of the spear rather than behind it.

From hunter to hunted.

From hassler to hasslee.

It was true of Paul in his corners of the world.

Is it true in your corner of the world?

Is it true in mine?

Do you face any peer harrassment because of your turning to Jesus? Hassles from the old drinkin’ buddies? From the girlfriends at Gossip a Go-Go? From semi-religious, “Jesus in a box” relatives who think you’re some faith fanatic trying to guilt them into doing more for God?

You used to be one of them.

But now you’re “one of those.”

Wear that hassles proudly, dear friend. They are crests of your commitment and a pleasing aroma to God of your faith.

Make sure, though, that the hassles are related to devoted living, not dumb choices.

As always, I love you

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One Response to “From hunter to hunted”

  1. loene de silva says:

    This applies to my little corner of my professional life. Standing firm, kindness, love of Christ in my heart will make things work so much easier. As our worldly partners say, it is a matter of one’s attitude.. As long as mine is upward connected, i have no fear but joy. Thank you for this posting, it not only affirms my faith but it cheers me on. Great writing and insight. Martin.


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