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In a way, it’s almost like standing in front of a dessert table.

So many to choose from and they’re ALL good.

But you have only one cup into which you can place a dessert and you’ve got to make a choice.

On the dessert table of Matthew 5’s beatitudes, I choose Blessing #6.

It is SUCH a tasty promise.

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God” (verse 8).

More than anything else in all eternity, I want to see God.

For that’s when I’ll be able to tell Him face to face of how much I love Him and adore Him and of how grateful I am that He saved my soul through His Son.

I long for that day when night will be no more.

Yes, I appreciate the incredible value of the other beatitude promises to the faithful.

I long to be a permanent stakeholder in the kingdom of heaven.

I long to be comforted and inherit (via sonship, not wages) earthly blessings until I graduate to heaven.

I long to be filled with righteousness poured into me by God’s Holy Spirit.

I long to be shown mercy in keeping with how I show mercy to others.

I long to be called a child of God.

And I long to receive a great reward in heaven.

As wonderful as the previous six promises are, they do not eclipse my anticipation of standing before God and seeing His perfect, loving face smiling at me and hopefully saying, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant.”

Since my eternal hope and my earthly purpose is geared toward seeing God’s face, I am to do what God requires — be pure in heart.

This will happen as I read more of His Word, speak more with Him in prayer, serve more with His saints, love more to people He created and act more like His Son.

I pray you’ll do the same.

That way, we’ll be standing side by side as God looks at us both from His glorious throne.

And that will be a glorious day that never ends.

As always, I love you

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