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Before there were problems, there were solutions.

This lesson became clear to me after reading from Proverbs 8:22-26 this morning in the One-Year Bible.

It’s not a long passage, but it contains enough Wordcrafting to give me confidence of the supernatural origins of the ideas and principles that it contains.

I encourage you to read the passage that is part of a larger segment from the One-Year Bible. Perhaps your heart will be stirred in a similar fashion.

To have been formed before the heavens and earth came into being means that perfect order preceded random disorder.

And that teaches me that the purpose of wisdom is to guide us into restoring an orderly manner of thinking and acting into how we and others approach a fallen world disordered by the multiple, lingering effects of sin.

Please, my friend, view wisdom as your friend, as your roadmap to orderly living. Please seek an in-filling of wisdom into your heart, mind and soul so that you can see more of God’s orderly ways bringing stability into your life’s randomly disordered ways.

Please know that for every problem you face, there is a wise solutions that already exist.

Satan and his trouble-making teammates can cook up some major-league headaches for us, but there is NO problem that he can create that is greater than the wisdom God already has in place to overcome it.

This is my confidence and my desire.

“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. For through wisdom, your days will be many and years will be added to your life.” (Proverbs 4:10-11)

I’m sure that this is yours, as well.

As always, I love you

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