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It is such a small slice of scripture, these words from Exodus 30:14-15.

But the messages are huge.

God plays no favorites.

Every soul is worth the same.

Here are the words:

“All who cross over, those twenty years old or more, are to give an offering to the LORD. The rich are not to give more than a half shekel and the poor are not to give less when you make the offering to the LORD to atone for your lives.”

The “crossing over” refers to the taking of a census in the Israelite camp and the resulting gift for Tabernacle ministry costs that each person counted would be required to give.

If the rich or poor were to give the same amount as a token, atoning gift for their lives, then clearly God sees no variance in the worth of their lives.

If God doesn’t see one soul as more valuable than another, then we shouldn’t, either.

Listen, dear friend, there’s only one way that we can play favorites in the Church and not sin. And that’s by treating everybody as our favorite.

Please do so.

For when you don’t, people notice it.

Especially those who don’t make the top tier of your list.

I’ve seen way too much favoritism in churches over the past few years. It’s not pretty. Sometimes, it downright stings.

Who likes being ignored by the self-proclaimed “cool” people?

Take a cue from God.

Love everybody the same.

View everybody’s time and attention with the same value.

God does.

We should, too.

As always, I love you

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2 Responses to “Morning Devotion: Everybody as favorite”

  1. Doug says:

    Thanks for the devotion today. It’s a message I’ve been trying to get across to my kids every since I’m become their minister.

  2. admin says:

    Doug, thanks for the note. I’m grateful that this message was helpful to you. Hope you and Sherry are doing great. Time flies, doesn’t it? Thanks for being the Lord’s man in your corner of the world.

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