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When we or our loved ones or friends get entangled in a trap set by Satan, it’s almost always because we or they didn’t see it before stepping into it.

There are so many ways that Satan traps people. For example, he gets them joining in a gossipfest because they’re jealous of another and then he reveals the participants to the person being gossiped about.

What seemed as it it would be just a minor, side role in this concert of criticism has turned, instead, into a major smackdown where “Somebody is going to pay!”

A number of people are hurt in such conflicts that should never have happened and only one person is really happy.

His name is Satan.

We all know what it’s like to step into one of Satan’s traps. Some have done so because of the desire for illicit sex. Some have done so because of the desire for public massaging of their pride. Some have done so because of the desire to gain stuff in order to displace feelings of insecurity. The list goes on and on.

Because we now know better, it should be our mission to show others that there is a better way through life.

That’s why we are to learn what the Bible teaches. That’s why Jesus said all who come to learn and live out His Words are drinking Living Water from a well that will never run dry.

Please show others that you live a faith-refreshing life. Please tell them that the same life can be theirs if they’ll drink from the same fountain.

Their future will be so much better when they’re not having to pull their foot or hands or even their tongues out of his traps.

‘The teaching of the wise is a fountain of life, turning a person from the snares of death.” Proverbs 13:14

As always, I love you

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