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A preacher friend of mine, Steve Jones, sends out ultra brief daily devotions and it’s not uncommon for Steve’s devotion to consist of one or two verses of scripture and one or two sentences of comments.

My style is to write devotions that are more like a slice of pie rather than a single bite. But in honor of my friend Steve, today’s devotion is shorter than normal.

Everybody likes high-value friendships.

If I lived in England, it would be to my social and economic advantage to be buddy-buddy with the royal family.

I live in south Miami, though, so my only hope of friendship with royalty is to get as tight as possible with King Jesus.

Here’s a passage from today’s Bible reading that will help me to do just that.

One who loves a pure heart and who speaks with grace will have the king for a friend.” (Proverbs 22:11).

Solomon was likely instructing his readers as to how they could be on his good side. Remember, he was the king of Israel when he wrote these words.

Solomon had his spiritual ups and downs, but he never stopped appreciating goodness in a person.

Neither should we.

Jesus certainly appreciates it. And expects it from His sheep.

Desire a pure heart. Speak with kindness and patience and mercy toward others.

Then you’ll be the kind of person Jesus loves hanging out with.

Others will want to hang out with you, too.

As always, I love you


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