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A teenager who alternated between sucking on a pacifier and drinking milk from a baby bottle would need some serious counseling.

And so would any parent who enabled such behavior.

Fortunately, I’ve never seen such behavior.

At least not in the physical realm.

I wish I could say the same in the spiritual realm.

We’re called by God to grow consistently in our depth of spiritual understanding.

It’s one thing to experience the blessing of spiritual birth and then ask questions as to why daily prayer and weekly church attendance are important. It’s quite another to be a 10-year veteran of church life and yet still not be able to simply answer the questions.

This stunted growth in maturity would never fly in an academic setting or workplace setting. And you can be sure that failure to mature in social settings will have painful and embarrassing consequences.

Let’s do our best to leave behind the spiritual pacifiers and baby bottles as we age in faith. There’s so much more waiting for us in comprehending God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit and in accomplishing ministry for the Kingdom of God.

Here’s the message from the writer of Hebrews that deals with this topic:

Anyone who lives on milk, being still an infant, is not acquainted with the teaching about righteousness. But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil.” (Hebrews 5:13-14)

Sink your truth-seeking teeth into the Bible every day, my friends. Share the Morning Devotion with me on weekdays. Save this link to your favorites list for brief, daily Bible reading.

Milk might do a body good, but the meat of God’s Word puts meat on our spiritual bones so that we can overcome the trials that come against us and utilize the ministry doors that the Lord opens up for us.

As always, I love you

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