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It’s really important that we press into the Lord, holding Him tightly and making sure to walk close by His side.

That’s how we’ll feel safer in this life, not having to worry about what we’ll eat or wear or drink.

You see, God promises in Matthew 6:25-34 that if we live to please Him, He’ll make sure we’ll have what we need. And that includes the assurance of inner peace on earth and an eternal place in heaven.

It’s when we head down a path that God won’t walk that always causes us problems.

You see, when we choose the path of pride or some other selfish sin, we’re on our own.

Instinctively, we know that the Boogie Man from hell is just waiting for an opportunity to pounce.

That’s why we are so often gripped by fear when we’re not walking close with the Lord.

And that’s why fear is so often the precursor to bad choices that are equivalent to fighting a fire with a bucket of gasoline.

Abraham’s wife Sarah wasn’t walking as closely to the Lord as she should have been, probably because she was resentful toward Him because of lifelong barrenness.

So when angelic visitors arrived at Abraham’s camp and announced to him that he and Sarah would have a baby within a year, Sarah’s scornful attitude toward God erupted in a sarcastic, secretive laugh that she thought nobody heard.

The pre-incarnate Christ was one of the angels meeting with Abraham and heard the scornful laugh. He asked Abraham about why Sarah laughed at the promise of an heir that had been desired for so long.

Sarah, who was eavesdropping just outside the tent, spoke up and told the angels that she didn’t laugh.

The angel of the Lord confronted her, though, and said, “Yes, you did laugh.”


Why did she lie?

Genesis 18:15 gives a three-word explanation: “Sarah was afraid.”

Listen, we’ve all had times when our faith was lacking and our fear was growing and our lips were moving and our integrity was collapsing.

The best way to resist lying, whether at home or school or work or among relatives or even at church, is to grow in faith.

The closer we walk with the Lord, the safer our souls feel in this world.

We won’t fear the truth if we’ll live by the Truth and press into the Author of Truth.

Jesus never lied because Jesus never feared. He faced horrible storms but He knew that His Father would never fail Him.

Let’s believe the same and the lies will fly away.

As always, I love you

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