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For most issues in life, we trust in the competency of those with whom we’re dealing, whether it be a medical professional or a banking associate or restaurant chef or an auto mechanic or any other service provider.

But when push comes to shove and it seems like we’re teetering on the precipice of physical or emotional or financial disaster, counting on a professional — or even ourselves — is not enough.

There are some deliverance levers that people aren’t big enough pull.

That’s when we need God’s help in a most defining way.

I was reminded this morning of how God has repeatedly helped me in ways that people could not.

In deeply personal and painful situations that I could not resolve on my own or with human help alone, God was my everpresent help in times of trouble.

He did for me what I could not do for myself.

His intervention was not always according to my timetable, but when intercession occurred according to His timetable, it was all good.

And it continues to be.

I trusted Him and He did not disappoint me.

This compelling truth has sustained me during several episodes of extended and uncomfortable “waiting on the Lord.”

True to His Word, He has not left me nor forsaken me.

This is the promise that comforted King David during a terribly difficult time of his reign. Though his earthly prospects were quite gloomy at the time, David knew that God wasn’t done working in his situation.

He knew that God had rescued the children of Israel during their tough times in the wilderness and that the same God loved him and, in His time, would deliver him into a better situation.

“…in you they trusted and were not disappointed.” (Psalm 22:5)

This is what David remembered.

This is what comforted him and strengthened him.

And this fact of history can comfort and strengthen us.

Listen, trust in God NEVER disappoints as long as we remember that it is God’s timetable that counts, not ours.

Keep trusting God in the storms and in the deserts and in the darkness and in the conflicts, my friend.

You won’t be disappointed.

As always, I love you

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