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We’ve all seen those climactic moments in the movies when the good guy’s arch enemy is coming in for the kill.

Battling soldiers fill the backdrop, as do fallen warriors whose shields and swords weren’t enough.

Of course, our hero is wounded and grimy from his fighting before the showdown scene.

And the evil enemy’s face smirks because of the presumed victory soon to be his.

Blade against blade, shield thrust against shield thrust, the struggle moves this way and that across the movie screen.

Then the hero trips and falls to his back, presenting what the enemy thinks is his window for finally destroying goodness personified.

Down comes the heavy, blood-stained sword…. clang!

Again it falls with all the enemy’s might…. clang!

Again and again…. with the same result.

The hero’s shield, however, would not fail and moments later, the hero was on his feet before the tiring foe and soon, the enemy was no more.

It’s a great scene that we’ve seen in various forms over the years, but the lesson is always the same.

Without a shield — a strong shield — we won’t survive the attacks of the enemy.

I read this morning of what fashions the strong shield that we need to withstand the enemy’s attacks.

“May integrity and honesty protect me, for I put my hope in you.” (Psalm 25:21)

Many of the most dangerous attacks that Christians face are launched with sharp-edged lies intended to wound or destroy. We’ve all faced them. Our responsibility as believers is to rely on truthfulness and character when it comes to how those watching decide what to think.

The Apostle Paul taught that believers are to carry the shield of Truth in order to fend off the Enemy’s lies.

If we’re committed to truthfulness with God and others, He will always sustain and deliver our spirits and souls, no matter what happens to our flesh, our jobs, our family status, our social standing or whatever.

You’ve seen Him do this before for you and He’ll do it again because your hope is in Him and your integrity is your shield.

Always carry your shield, my friend. That way, you’ll always have hope.

As always, I love you

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