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There’s a good reason for the toolbox, spare bottles of oil, spare fanbelt, jumper cables and a gallon of water being stored in a locked compartment of my truck bed.

I want to be ready for most of the ways that trouble might start brewing for the truck’s engine.

I’d hate to be stuck on a remote stretch of road late at night simply because I didn’t have another fanbelt or water for a leaking radiator or whatever.

It’s SO much easier to just keep an extra in the vehicle in case it is needed.

This same principle of being prepared for the “what if” applies, of course, in all sorts of settings.

Including the spiritual.

Jesus taught about the need not only for coming to faith — as in when one gains the “lamp” of salvation through conversion — but also about the need for an enduring faith — as in maintaining faith through daily replenishment via prayer and learning.

The foolish ones took their lamps but did not take any oil with them. The wise, however, took oil in jars along with their lamps.” (Matthew 25:3-4).

The verse above is from the Parable of the 10 Virgins and teaches that there is a terrible cost to spiritual complacency.

I encourage you to keep yourself prepared for the “What if it happens today?” of Christ’s return. Be living the life that He’ll approve and that shows you’re sincerely wanting to be ready for Him. I certainly need to do the same.

If we’re in His will, His Word and His Way, with our faith empowering us and His Spirit filling our “jars,” our Light will shine and He’ll clearly see that we are His. This is why active involvement with a Bible-teaching congregation is SO important.

If we’re not keeping ourselves prepared by seeking His will and His Word to fill us, our Light will fade and we just might be in the dark when He returns.

Please, be prepared.

I want to see you at the wedding banquet.

As always, I love you

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