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Hypocrisy stinks.

We all know this.

Yet, when it comes to the words we Christians sometimes use or condone, we are chief among the hypocrites.

Proverbs 8:13 says that God “hates perverse speech.”

And come Sunday morning, every Christian who sits in church wouldn’t even consider telling or laughing at a sinful joke among their church-going friends.

So why doesn’t that same diligence apply at the workplace or school lunchroom when gathered with carnal, non-Christians?

Why do some Christians sprinkle innuendo or acronyms (terms comprised of first letters of words) through their Facebook or Twitter posts?

Some of what I read is actually shocking, not just in content but also in the apparent blindness of the writers to the random perversity of their posts.

I’m praying that the Holy Spirit’s voice succeeds where mine could not.

I want to see Christians, including myself, more often doing and saying things that the Lord approves, not hates.

None of us are perfect, of course.

And that’s why we each should be vigilant in measuring our actions — and words — against I Cor. 10:31 and Colossians 3:17, both of which tell us to make sure that our words reflect the presence and glory of God in our lives.

Let’s remember to examine closely how we are communicating during the week with others. We can’t be satisfied with the opinion of our consciences, since they are sometimes numbed by sin and the toleration of sinful words.

A better measure is the example of Christ.

Would Christ tell that joke?

Would Christ laugh at that off-color story?

Would Christ type that acrostic?

It’s so much better when believers don’t BGH – break God’s heart. Actually, the best thing we can do is to LPLHLP- love people like He loves people.

Remember, He saved us to do good works (Eph. 2:10), not break His heart.

As always, I love you

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