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Proverbs 9:8 is one of those verses that tests the humility of a person.

It is a test that I hope to pass on an increasing basis.

Don’t bother correcting mockers; they will only hate you. But correct the wise, and they will love you” (New Living Translation).

If I resent the words of somebody — or even resent the person himself of herself — because they have correctly pointed out an error in my attitude or with my statements about certain things, then I am doubly wrong.

For I am acting hatefully.

Instead of genuinely listening, I am lashing out.

It seems that God is saying this: trying to help somebody whose heart is filled with anger toward Him — and you — is essentially a waste of time.

That’s a strong statement and we need to make sure that we pray for discernment to know if somebody really is a mocker.

I pray that I never fall into this category.

As long as I’m willing to receive correction to any theological errors I might possess or with how I communicate with people, then I’ll avoid the “mocker” label.

I want to be wise.

And so, I should welcome correction when what is being told me is actually correct.

We all know, of course, that some people want to “take us to the woodshed” now and then with tongue-lashings that aren’t based on wisdom but instead upon emotion and personal preference.

That’s when we need to stick with the policy of taking these corrective comments to the cross via prayer rather than taking that person to our woodshed.

If others’ pointed, corrective comments are legitimate and based on Bible principles, we need Christ to reveal that to us and to guide us in how we should change and in how we should thank the person for their insights.

If they’re not Bible-based, then we need Christ to guide us in remaining humble and loving in our response and more careful in communicating the “why” of our actions.

Remember, our need is to become more like Christ.

If somebody helps us to do so, even if it stings a bit, then that is a good thing.

As always, I love you

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