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Just the other day I had a conversation with somebody about the incongruity of claiming the Christian faith yet not living the Christian faith.

“Happens too often,” I observed.

Of course, being aware of my own imperfect status, I acknowledged my need for greater dedication to imitating Christ.

Luke 6:46’s recording of Jesus’ words speaks to this matter.

Why do you call me ‘Lord, Lord” and do not do what I say?”

Good question, huh?

I know that I should forgive 100 percent of the time. Do I? Do you? Hmmmm…..

I know that I should put others’ interests ahead of my own. Am I perfect with this? Are you? Hmmmm…..

I know that I should pray without ceasing and in everything rejoice. Do I have those down pat? Do you? Hmmmm…..

Yes, I’ve still got room for improvement.

I’m better than I was 10 years ago and hopefully better than last month, yet I still fall short sometimes of God’s glory and Christ’s example.

Here’s a target that I — and you — should aim for, provided by Jesus as recorded by the Apostle John.

“Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. Anyone who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them and show myself to them.” (John 14:21).

We all have access to the Bible so we have the commands. We all have the opportunity to obey the commands and will do so if we love Jesus.

Loving Jesus means being loved by God to the point of experiencing His presence.

Wow. That’s something that can’t happen enough.

Let’s make sure our talk matches our walk when it comes to claiming faith.

The benefits of doing so will be off the charts.

As always, I love you

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