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In the book of Acts is mentioned a man named Barnabas. He was known as the “Son of Encouragement” and had an important impact upon Christianity in its early stages.

Barnabas’ significance came not so much from the sharing of great, eloquent sermons but instead from demonstrating the loving kindness and encouragement of the Lord.

In fact, it was Barnabas who helped the recently converted Pharisee named Saul (later to be renamed the Apostle Paul) to find acceptance among Christian converts in Jerusalem. You can read about this event by clicking here.

Without the intercession of Barnabas, perhaps Saul would have given up in trying to connect spiritually and emotionally with the believers in Jerusalem. That, of course, would have been very harmful to the growth of Christianity.

Yet, because Barnabas interceded, Saul (Paul) preached to believers, convincing them with a personal testimony of God’s amazing grace and desire for all people to be saved, even one-time scoundrels who sought to destroy Christianity.

It was those newly supportive Christian friends of Saul who saved his life when the resentful, hardcore Jews wanted to kill him.

Listen, you and I are not likely to intercede to save a recent convert’s life from physical attack that is tied to his or her conversion.

We are, however, in a position sometimes to help protect a recent convert from non-physical attacks of others.

We are called to be like Barnabas and the Jerusalem believers.

We are called to be bridge-builders in helping recent converts to make Christian friends in our congregation or in our workplaces or in our schools.

Some of our longtime Christian friends might remember the anti-Christian attitudes, statements or actions of the past that were once demonstrated by the convert.

All that has been washed away by the blood of Jesus in a guilt sense and they should see it as “gone down the river” in a grace sense.

Let’s do all we can to help converts to find full acceptance among Christians.

And if non-Christians start attacking the convert with lies or peer pressure — particularly at our jobs or schools — let’s stand up for them and call the attackers to account by confronting with Truth those who gossip or scheme with lies.

If we don’t defend “babes in Christ,” then who will?

As always, I love you

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