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God gave me an incredibly encouraging and useful insight this morning while talking with somebody about faith and fear.

It was concise and potent.

It spoke precisely to the core of how we anguish or of how we stand strong.

Here’s what I heard in my inner man and immediately shared with the person with whom I was talking.

“The Enemy wants us to dwell on the “What if.” But God wants us to dwell on the “What IS.”

As soon as I spoke these words, I realized just how true the statement is.

Satan wants us to be gripped and crippled by fear of what might happen to us if things don’t go the way we want…. In all sorts of ways.

You know that this IS how he works. When you’ve been gripped by fear at times in your life – and we all have – we struggled and suffered primarily because of fear and not because of fact.

Yet, when we’ve responded to Satan’s “what ifs” with our declaration of the “what IS” facts of God’s blessings in our lives AND, most importantly, the fulfilled promises of scripture¸ we have stood strong and victorious.

That’s what I want to encourage you today to consider doing.

In every court of law, fact always reigns over supposition.

The judge and jury are to make decisions based on what is, not on what if.

Our promise of eternal life in heaven is based on the fact that the resurrection IS real, not might be real.

Our access to eternal life in heaven is based on a personal conversion that IS, not on one we might make someday.

Listen, there is no IF when it comes to God’s love, to God’s authority or to His power to save our souls and provide for our lives.

These are absolute “IS” facts.

On Christ the solid rock we stand, my friend. All other ground, including the “what if” whisperings of Satan, is sinking sand.

Be strong, my friend.

Stand on what is.

And on what IS to come.

As always, I love you

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