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When it comes to the people who most influence your values, theology and direction in life, how much have you thought about who or what influences them?

It doesn’t take a genius to understand the wisdom of following somebody who is heading in the right direction, somebody holding the map to glory in their hands, in their heart and in their head.

That’s what I try to do when it comes to the people I allow to influence me. I pray that you do the same.

Here’s a verse from today’s One-Year Bible that shows the importance of this principle:

“Consult God’s instruction and the testimony of warning. If anyone does not speak according to this word, they have no light of dawn” (Isaiah 8:20)

Wow. This makes it so much clearer for us when it comes to those we allow to influence us.

There are consequences in this life and in eternity for not heeding the holy warnings of God given to guide us to lives that are more pleasing to Him and more blessed for us.

Let’s agree to give our attention and allegiance to those who speak according to the Bible since they have seen the Light and are carefully, commitedly walking toward their own day of dawning when Christ calls them home.

As we follow in their footsteps, we’ll have the confidence that we’ll walk the same streets of gold someday when we begin our eternal day of dawning.

As always, I love you

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