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I like simple.

I don’t always speak simply, but I know that I should.

Even with complex topics that take much forethought and prayer to adequately explain, simple words are best.

Jesus was an expert at this.

When the listeners struggled to comprehend His message, it wasn’t because He used complicated words. Instead, the listeners had to untangle their minds and hearts from the complex, confused understandings they previously held.

I’m still working to better imitate Jesus. As I do, I’ll be better understood.

And the Good News of God’s love will be more simply communicated.

I read a passage this morning that was simple and very helpful.

It gives me a tool to guide my choices toward pleasing God more often.

“Live as children of light for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth.” (Ephesians 5:8-9)

I want to live as a child of the Light. Instead of memorizing hundreds of “Thou shalts” and “Thou shalt nots,” I can simply test every choice to see if it is good in God’s sight, if it is righteous according to the example of Christ’s life and if it is in keeping with principles of faith recorded in the Bible.

Here’s a question worth asking every time we come to the intersection of choices: “Would the good, righteous and truthful believers I know see my choice as consistent with Ephesians 5:8-9?”

I understand that we’re never going to get all of our decisions just right in the sight of God and man. We’re flawed and we sometimes choose to stand on the sands of pride rather than the solid Rock of humble, sacrificial faith.

But the more we live as children of THE Light, Jesus Christ, the simpler and more persuasive our lives will be for God.

As always, I love you

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