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I like that there are 12 words in a potent passage I read this morning.

Twelve is a biblical number representing completion and this verse is the epitome of completion.

He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.” (Colossians 1:17)

Jesus existed before Creation. He is more important than Creation. And the physical forces that bind Creation together were crafted by Him according to the purposes conceived by God.

This verse doesn’t speak only to the physical, though.

Everything spiritual in the believer’s life is to be the outgrowth of Jesus’ place in that redeemed person’s life.

He is to be more important than earthly possessions.

He is to be more important than earthly positions.

He is to be more important than earthly passions.

He is to be the One we consult before we make decisions.

He is to be the One we consult — either by prayer or by reflection on His example, or both — before we say or do something that reflects on our relationship with Him.

This is how we keep Him before all things.

This is how He will hold our lives together until we stand before Him.

As always, I love you

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