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I’m reading a book about the changes a Christian should consider making if he or she learned he or she had month to live.

My objective is to lead our congregation through this study sometime next year so that we’ll all become more clearly focused on the priority list God wants us to have in this life.

I’ve got room to do a better job in this respect. Perhaps you do, too.

That’s why I was intrigued this morning when I came across the following passage during my devotional reading time:

How do you know what your life will be like tomorrow? Your life is like the morning fog—it’s here a little while, then it’s gone. What you ought to say is, ‘If the Lord wants us to, we will live and do this or that.’” (James 4:14-15)

There were several people in the Miami area who headed to work in their cars yesterday morning and expected to head back home last night.

But they didn’t.

They died in auto accidents, a total surprise to them and those who loved them.

None of us know for certain when our days on earth are done.

And so, our choices should be based on the distinct possibility that we might not be here tomorrow.

In view of that fact, it’s very important that we conduct a personal inventory of unfinished relationship tasks that need resolved. You see, we don’t want to leave this life with unresolved conflict between ourselves and another person.

And we don’t want to leave this life with an unfavorable spiritual legacy toward our loved ones.

Please don’t leave this life knowing you should have forgiven another, but you didn’t.

And, of course, don’t neglect the opportunities to seek the forgiveness of others if an apology is in order.

Whatever commitments made to others have not been fulfilled, please do so before your post-mortem reputation is stuck with the fact that you didn’t keep your promises.

Though the specific context of the passage above dealt with human desires for investment gains, I think the larger message of the verse involves relationships.

Here’s a priority structure that I use to guide my handling of time, finances and emotions — faith, then family, then friends and then work.

Please make a list of the things that you believe would HAVE to get done if you had one month to live. Pray about the list to make sure God’s Kingdom ranks first and then get at it.

I need to do the same.

As always, I love you

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