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It happened again.

I’m talking about an inner flood of awe and appreciation for the Lord because of a single verse in the Bible.

I’ve been a Christian for 44 years and a pastor since 1987 and yet, I still get the starry-eyed goosebumps sometimes when I read verses like Psalm 130:3-4 —

“If you, Lord, kept a record of sins, Lord, who could stand? But with you there is forgiveness, so that we can, with reverence, serve you”

I am a sinner. Even though it occurs less frequently than in years past, I still fall short of God’s expectations sometimes. And I need forgiveness.

If God weren’t willing to forgive me, I couldn’t have confidence of standing eternally in His presence when my life is over. I’d only stand before Him for the moment of my judgment and then I’d be off to everlasting destruction in hell.

But because I’ve accepted His offer of forgiveness by means of accepting His Son Jesus as Lord, I’m content to serve God with reverence and joy.

That’s why He saved me — to serve Him. The Apostle Paul said the same thing in Ephesians 2:10.

Grasp within your mind and heart the depth of God’s grace and you’ll grip more firmly the hand of God who desperately wants you to walk with Him forever.

As always, I love you

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