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One of the recurring decisions that Christians are to make is to find joy in what’s in our hearts toward God rather than what’s in our driveway or our wallet or our jewelry box or in the mirror or what’s on the scale’s dial.

You see, starting a new year provides an opportunity for a new commitment toward a surrendered relationship with the Lord having priority over gaining a larger inventory of stuff.

Even though I typically haven’t struggled with being a “stuff” guy, I know that I have room for improvement regarding my priorities with finances and faith.

Tithing isn’t an issue, thankfully, but going frequently beyond that with large special offerings for this or that is an area where I need to grow. Why? Because there are so many needs and I need to remember that God is able to care for me if I redirect contributions away from a paltry pension fund over to an emergency benevolence fund or some other ministry need.

It’s a challenge and decision that every Christian faces, measuring one’s level of trust in God and what one is truly seeking in this life.

This topic surfaced today in my devotional reading from the One-Year Bible:

You have given me greater joy than those who have abundant harvests of grain and new wine.” (Psalm 4:7)

David’s words here prompted an “Amen!” in my heart this morning. I hope that you had the same reaction when you read them.

Here’s a simple way to keep a proper perspective toward stuff, one that I aspire to practice — relationships are to be our treasures and our stuff is to only be our tools for serving those relationships.

When we see blessings as tools for shaping stronger relationships with God and with people, God will see that we’re trusting Him more, serving Him more and I’m confident that He will bless us more.

And that, of course, will produce a harvest of joy that keeps on giving and receiving, giving and receiving….

As always, I love you

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