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We all heard the phrase during our childhood, “Do it because I said so.”

Perhaps it was parent or grandparent.

For years, we did things because they told us to do them.

But adolescence breeds independence and that sometimes devolves into a non-compliant path that isn’t good.

Hopefully, logic and love and faith guide your decisions today as they should guide mine.

And that includes trusting the wisdom and judgment of people who sometimes have a clearer view of the right path than do we.

The reality is that consistent, stubborn refusal to accept wise direction “because we know better” is a foolish, sometimes costly choice.

Another reality is that we’ve all played the fool in this way at one time or another.

We were walking a dead-end road at work or in a relationship or with our health and we refused the advice of caring people who knew what they were talking about.

What really bristled us was when were at the end of the road and we knew we had no viable option except to listen to the one or ones we had ignored.

We couldn’t understand how their advice would help, but when they said, “Do it because I said so,” we finally trusted them and — Voila! — the advice worked.

Our job performance or office relationships improved. Our marriage our parent-child relationship improved. Our cholesterol or BMI levels improved.

And our propensity for prideful stubbornness was hopefully diminished a bit.

Why this message today? Because there are times that we should do things because the Bible tells us to, regardless of what we think.

We don’t understand how it will all work out to do it God’s way, but it does if we’ll trust and obey.

That’s what happened in Luke 5 when Peter and his boat crew fished all night and caught nothing.

You know how the story goes with Peter initially disputing Jesus’ direction.

The nets went down, though. Why?

But because you say so,” Peter said to Jesus (Luke 5:5).

Of course, the catch was huge.

Good thing that Peter put out the nets because Jesus said so.

Let’s surrender our will and forgive the really hurtful offenses — because Jesus said so.

Let’s surrender our will and forsake the really tasty sins — because Jesus said so.

Let’s surrender our will and overcome our shyness and invite co-workers to church and the gospel — because Jesus said so.

Let’s surrender our will and do whatever the Word calls us to do, even if it conflicts with out pride-limited perceptions and precepts.

And let’s surrender our will and do what caring, prayerful, spiritually mature mentors counsel us to do when we’re not biblically certain of our path.

The catch of peace and blessing will be huge.

As always, I love you

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