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Just about everybody has experienced “writer’s block,” that unwelcomed time when the sentiments of the heart can’t find life on paper or on the screen simply because the mind can’t think of the right words.

It stinks when that happens.

With many years of professional writing in my history, you can be sure that I’ve encountered writer’s block on a number of occasions.

God doesn’t want us to experience “believer’s block,” however, and promises that we can ALWAYS have fresh insights and inspirations to share with others.

Here are the famous words that Jesus shared with the Samaritan woman who needed a new hope and a new purpose for living.

“Anyone who drinks this water will soon become thirsty again. But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life.” (John 4:13-14)

We’ll never find lasting, inner peace from trusting the philosophies and stimulations of human origin. Like booze or narcotics or porn or even just gaining more wealth or public popularity, we’ll never be satisfied. Our flesh will always crave more and we’ll have to keep paying for it.

In more ways than one.

But digesting and demonstrating God’s Word is always a net gain.

Verses we memorize pay dividends year after year, touching life after life.

The Word we ingest becomes the Word we confess and that “everpresent help in times of trouble” is a vital part the faith fortress that protect s us from the Enemy.

Here’s the link to a sip from that bubbling spring — DRINK HERE.

Drink deeply today, my friend.

And then do the same tomorrow.

Join me in reading the One-Year Bible online by adding this link to your favorite websites/bookmarks tab.

As always, I love you

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