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“Note to self — Never view a hot temper as a tool for success. Hot tempers are like hand grenades instead of rifle bullets, injuring many rather than resolving a specific problem.”

I don’t intend to play pyschiatrist this morning.

I simply want to encourage us both to ignore Satan’s taunting the next time somebody does something that upsets us.

He wants us to get mad and then get loud or get harsh on the way to “getting even.”

How sad.

This isn’t about becoming a spiritual wimp. We ARE to stand firmly for godliness and fairness and protection of the innocent.

But we are to do so with dignity and abundant self-control.

We are to do so with the Word’s wisdom, not with razor or raucous tongues.

We are to do so in a way that people will see our Christ-empowered, Christ-directed nature that seeks not to protect personal vanity, but instead to pursue a resolution through the principles of truth and fairness and kindness.

Please reject Satan’s offer of hand grenades.

King Solomon spoke to this need in the following manner;

People with understanding control their anger; a hot temper shows great foolishness.” (Proverbs 14:29)

Let’s be people of understanding.

The world already has enough fools.

As always, I love you

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One Response to “Morning Devotion: The folly of ‘anger-nades’”

  1. I am working on calmness when the sea is rocky, and it is rather allow our Lord to take over and guide me and lead me into greener pasture when i am in the valley of death and pits of destruction knowing the our Lord will never leave me or forsake me in any difficult situations or circumstances. It is a promise and our Lord does not lie. He has won it all, and He is living in my heart. Thank you Martin for your wisdom to remind me to be in touch with Jesus all the day of my life.

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