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There is very little likelihood that you’ll be raised from physical death after an illness.

I’m not God so I cannot guarantee that such will never happen in your life, but statistically, it would be more likely for you to be hit by a bolt of lightning than to be physically resurrected.

Yet, if you’re an obedient, Christ-minded believer, you can with certainty be a recipient and vessel for supernatural power that not only raised a lady named Dorcas from the dead but also compelled her — before her illness and death — to do the Lord’s work in the lives of people she knew.

Acts 9:36-40 tell the story of Dorcas’ character, illness and resurrection through the power of God.

What compelled me this morning were portion of verses 37 and 39 that jumped off the page:

“She was always doing kind things for others and helping the poor…. The room was filled with widows who were weeping and showing him (the Apostle Peter) the coats and other clothes Dorcas had made for them.”

This story of God’s loving power is made more significant because of Dorcas’ loving character.

Even if Dorcas had not been raised from the dead, the impact of her life upon others was profound because of how she served others.

Listen, my friend. Will you join me in striving to always do kind things for others and to help the poor?

That way, our lives will have greater earthly and eternal significance whether we experience two resurrections or one.

As always, I love you

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