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I’ve been needing to get to the grocery store for some time but my schedule has just not made it easy.

For I know that when Lori or I make such a trip, it’s not going to be quick.

We’ve put it off for awhile now and, as you know, stocking up on things in a way that optimizes frugality is not speedy.

I read another shopping list of sorts this morning, however, that was far more uplifting.

It’s a list of highly desirable blessings that the Apostle Paul had on his prayer shopping list on behalf of the Christians at Colossae.

Paul didn’t fight the crowded aisles and long lines at the checkout register, though.

He went straight to the Master of the Universe.

We can and should do the same.

Here is his list extracted from Colossians 1:9-12:

Paul asked God:

  • To give the Colossians complete knowledge of His will
  • To give them spiritual wisdom and understanding.
  • To strengthen them with all His glorious power that they have all the endurance and patience they need.
  • To fill them with joy with words of thanks always flowing to the Father.

The desired result of Paul’s persistent prayers was that the Colossians believers would always honor and please the Lord with their lives producing every kind of good fruit as they grew in faith and in their personal relationship and knowledge of God.

This is a shopping list that I need.

Both to pray for others and for others to pray for me.

Do I have enough of all the above?


Have I prayed enough for the above on behalf of others?


Please join me in better following Paul’s shopping list.

We’ll have a better world, better churches, better families, better friendships and better workplaces as a result.

And God will be honored more in a way that He deserves and desires.

As always, I love you

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