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My eyes are frequently tired.

It’s because I don’t get enough sleep.

It’s been this way for years.

I’ve learned to push through it, one cup of coffee at a time.

I could sleep more.

But I would accomplish less.

I prefer completed tasks over rested eyes.

Even so, I still have to get some sleep.

If I become too exhausted, my brain shuts down just as yours does when mental fatigue takes control.

I am SO glad that the God I worship doesn’t struggle with fatigue and sleepy eyes the way I do.

I am so glad that God doesn’t need a pillow.

You see, He never sleeps.

He’s always awake and ready to listen to me and to every other human who approaches His throne of grace.

Yes, this also means we can’t get away with any misbehavior because our heavenly Dad is in bed.

But I prefer to look at the bright side of God’s eternal waking state.

No matter when I go to Him in prayer — even in the middle of the night when I’m wracked with illness or relationship despair — my Abba Father is awake and desires to hear my pleas in the midst of my praise.

What’s more amazing is that He does the same 24/7 for people in every time zone on the planet.

He is awake for you right now.

Waiting to hear your prayers.

Desiring to hear your praise.

And He’ll be waiting to hear your heart no matter what time you fall at His feet.

He who watches over Israel never slumbers or sleeps.” (Psalm 121:4)

Let’s rejoice that we have a Father who doesn’t close the door and tell us to leave Him alone because He’s trying to get to sleep.

It really is a wonderful thing to know that God watches over us as a shepherd watches over his sheep even in the darkness of night.

This promise helps me to sleep better at night. I pray that it does the same for you.

As always, I love you

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