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The last chapter of the Old Testament holds a promise that is incredibly comforting to my faith.

It speaks of something that I am looking forward to when my days on earth are done.

You see, by the time this promise comes true for me, it’s quite possible that I’ll be a feeble, old man who will have long said good-bye to the idea of running and jumping.

And yet, when this promise comes true, I’ll be a spry as a newborn calf.

Compared to the alternative facing those without faith in Christ, the blessing of my new status will be immeasurable and eternal.

“But for you who fear my name, the Sun of Righteousness will rise with healing in his wings. And you will go free, leaping with joy like calves let out to pasture.” (Malachi 4:2)

The last day’s reading of the year in the One-Year Bible includes Malachi 3-4. The fourth chapter speaks of God’s righteous judgment on the rebellious who choose to reject God’s Word as their pattern for living. Fortunately, Malachi 4 also talks of God’s gracious desire to save souls, including those of children led to lives of faithfulness by their faithful fathers.

Let’s pledge to hold fast to reverence for God so that the Sun of Righteousness — Jesus Christ — will continue bringing healing into our imperfect, sin-stumbling lives.

It’s so much better running with joy back out into the pasture of everyday life, set free from the burden of unforgiven guilt by the promise found in I John 1:9.

“But if we confess our sins to Him, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness.”

What’s even better is that the eternal day is coming when our leaping with joy will be punctuated only by moments on our faces before the throne of God.

What a great mental image to have for starting a new year!

As always, I love you

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