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I know God loves me.

I know Christ died for me.

And I know the Holy Spirit guides me and strengthens me and that He is the intercessory agent when God’s power heals me or His Word convicts me.

So I should never have moments of less than complete faith, right?


I want to say that I never wonder why God hasn’t solved this problem in my life or why God hasn’t yet empowered me to overcome that obstacle.

But I can’t.

I’m more faithful than I used to be, but nowhere near the 100 percent I need to be.

When struggles come, my default position should be that God already has in mind how He will bless me if I respond in the pattern of faithfulness.

God has good in mind for me when Satan is given liberty to do bad to me.

It’s the story of Job. It’s the promise of Romans 8:28. And it’s the promise of eternal life in heaven for those who embrace the biblical promise that a perfect eternity awaits those who faithfully endure an imperfect earth until they die.

This being the case, I need to acknowledge my inadequacies of faith/strength/wisdom when I encounter challenges that I don’t understand, particularly those that lure me toward thinking God doesn’t care about my situation.

I believe, yes. But I need God’s help in order to believe more.

And as I pray to hear His voice, as I read His Word, as I step forward in at least doing those things I know to be right, God WILL help me to believe more.

God will reassure my soul — via His Spirit’s voice — that I am His and that I’m not alone and that He will not leave me as an orphan, that He will be with me always, even to the end of the ages.

This confidence was re-affirmed this morning during my daily Bible reading that included Mark 9:14-29

The father instantly cried out, ‘I do believe, but help me overcome my unbelief!'” (Mark 9:24).

The dad clearly believed in God and wanted His help. But his years of frustration and a lack of prior healing for his demon-possessed son had exhausted his faith.

He knew he should be faithful but was struggling because of his flesh.

You ever feel that way?

It’s important to ask other Christians to help us. But let’s remember it is more important to ask God to speak into our lives in ways that remind us that we’re not alone, that God is still in the divine power business and that if we sincerely ask for more faith, God will give it to us.

Only good can come from this appeal.

As always, I love you

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2 Responses to “Morning Devotion: A cry of the heart”

  1. Amanda morse says:

    Was good to read this. I too a lot question where was God when. And have to constantly ask for the willingness to be willing to make certain decisions

  2. admin says:

    I really like your comments, Amanda. It is a very potent, important thing you said — “have to constantly ask for the willingness to be willing to make certain decisions.”

    Words like these show me that someone’s heart is humble and good.

    Thank you for sharing this.

    God bless you.

    Martin Drummond

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