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What is fun for you?

Doing good things that please God?

Or doing things that don’t?

The Bible says that God sees all we do and say.

If what we do or what we say is enjoyable to Him, we’re good to go spiritually.

The reverse is true, of course.

Here’s a concise scripture regarding this topic:

“Doing wrong is fun for a fool, but living wisely brings pleasure to the sensible.” (Proverbs 10:23)

People ignoring God’s commands sometimes have a lot of fun in their sinful choices regarding sexual immorality, coarse joking, unethical financial dealings and other ungodly behaviors. But the clock is ticking on that kind of fun and the bomb of consequences will eventually explode with costly consequences, sometimes in this life but definitely in the next.

People living wisely, though, gain pleasure from thinking and living in the way of godliness. Pleasure is more enduring than fun. Pleasure is the fruit of good choices.

I’d rather have a life pattern that yields mellow, no-regrets pleasure than I would random flashes of intense fun that sprout from sin yet are destined to wilt in the heat of God’s judgment.

There is no price tag that we can put on a clear conscience. It is invaluable.

Let’s live wisely in order to gain that which can only come from the overflow of living to please God.

It’s the more pleasurable path.

As always, I love you

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