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Why are serving the Lord and anticipating eternal joy in heaven such good ideas for Christians?

It’s because our sovereign Jehovah has never failed — even before time was created.

You know, I really take comfort in the fact that if I jump off the side of a boat to cool off in the ocean, I am never failed by the law of gravity.

I ALWAYS descend into the water.

It would be really bad if gravity was random and I headed toward the stratosphere.

Gravity never fails.

And neither does the Creator of gravity.

I can’t tell you how comforting it is to know that God never says, “Oops!”

I sure wish I could make the same claim but I am far from being in that position.

Listen, when it comes to that upon which we base our hopes, our sense of well-being, our sense of being loved and our sense of identity, we’re far better off standing on the Rock that will not be moved.

I’m talking about Jesus Christ who was the earthly ambassador of the Father’s flawless love and Word.

Why should we strive to live surrendered, gracious, generous, Bible-compliant lives?

Because God has never let us down.

Because God has never let Himself down.

God is in the business of keeping promises.

Here’s a reminder from a guy who embraced this truth in a passionate way more than 3,300 years ago.

“Deep in your hearts you know that every promise of the Lord your God has come true. Not a single one has failed!”
(Joshua 23:14)

Joshua, the leader of the Israelites during the years of conquest in the Promised Land, knew he would soon die and called the people to remain faithful after he died. It was the fact of God’s integrity that should inspire believers to trust the Father with an obedient life.

That’s true for us, as well.

Let’s do our best to keep our commitments to God and to others. It’s the least we can do for the God who has never failed in His promises to us.

As always, I love you

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