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It’s a 3,200-year-old picture that is just as compelling now as when it occurred.

A picture of a grandmother holding her grandchild close to her chest in a moment of overwhelming joy.

The sentiments in the heart of the grandmother cannot be adequately described by words.

She is SO happy.

SO grateful.

SO content.

SO comforted.

Her heart is being filled in ways that nothing else can do.

I love seeing grandmothers filled in this way.

It’s so beautiful.

Of course, grandfathers have the same feelings.

That timeless reality — something Lori and I are savoring in our lives just now — was described in lovely fashion in a verse I read this morning in the book of Ruth.

“Naomi took the baby and cuddled him to her breast. And she cared for him as if he were her own.” (Ruth 4:16).

Knowing the back story of this word picture is what magnifies its meaning.

Naomi had lost her husband.

She had lost both of her sons.

She had lost one of her daughters-in-law.

She was nearly destitute, having had to twice move to distant lands because of famine conditions.

But then God’s amazing grace was poured out in an amazing way — read Ruth 1-4 and you’ll see how.

And here is Naomi, holding the grandchild that she feared she’d never have.

Holding the child ONLY because of God’s incredible intercession.

The next time you see a grandmother holding her grandchild close to her chest, remember the story of Naomi and her grandson Obed.

You’ll appreciate God’s grace more as a result.

As always, I love you

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