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Jesus said in Matthew 7:20 (KJV), “By their fruits, you shall know them.”

If we want to be seen as people who love God, then it’s vital that we’re seen as people who love Jesus.

Of course, we all know that talk is cheap.

That’s why our singing of “O How I Love Jesus” is to be matched by the spiritual integrity of living for Jesus a life that is true.

It doesn’t take a genius to remember and understand Jesus’ teachings from the Sermon on the Mount.

Love others ahead of ourselves.

Forgive always.

Do all we can to protect and help others rather than rejecting and harming others.

Flee temptation.

The list goes on.

If I claim to love God, I lay claim to a sanctified, Jesus-imitating life.

Here’s what Jesus said in John 5:23.

“Anyone who does not honor the Son is certainly not honoring the Father who sent Him.”

Pretty clear, huh?

Let’s put a smile on God’s face by putting Jesus’ example into practice in our lives. It’s the best way to honor the One who died for us and who desires that our family and friends start living for Him.

Pure thoughts. Pure words. Pure deeds.

These honor Jesus.

And His Father.

As always, I love you

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