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Nothing is hidden from God.

His flashlight is on everything.

As kids, when the light was on and an adult was watching us, we behaved in school or at home or at church.

When we thought nobody was watching, however, sometimes we didn’t.

We’re all guilty of this, of course.

It’s so much better when we choose to behave as if in the light and in the sight of somebody bigger.

“Even Death and Destruction hold no secrets from the Lord.
How much more does he know the human heart!” (Proverbs 15:11)

Hopefully, you’re in the middle of the narrow path of Christlike living and don’t have secret behaviors you’re trying to hide from God.

Because you can’t.

Just as I can’t.

Let’s do all we can to be like Jesus.

His life was an open book.

And since heaven is granted only to those in the Lamb’s Book of Life, let’s do all we can to walk in a way that shows we are living for Him.

And when we do mess up, prompt repentance will get us back on the path that keeps us on the pages of that book. Romans 8:1-2 promise so.

As always, I love you

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