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Jesus talked about harvesting where we haven’t sown.

It’s true that we sometimes receive the fruit of others’ labors.

It’s called “blessing.”

It’s what loving parents want to see come into the lives of their children, even after the parent has left this life.

When King Solomon was inspired by God to start the temple construction project in Jerusalem, he turned to King Hiram of Tyre (modern-day Lebanon) for the huge amounts of lumber that would be needed for the project.

I Kings 5:1 said that Hiram and Solomon’s father, King David, had “always been friends.” That relationship prompted Hiram to gladly agree to provide all the lumber the temple project needed in return for grain and olive oil the nation of Tyre would need during the seven-year construction project.

Clearly, the blessing of peace and provision that Solomon enjoyed with Hiram was a harvest for which Solomon had not sown.

Solomon’s father was the sower of those relationship seeds.

We’ve all been blessed in multiple ways because of the goodness and friendship nurtured by our older loved ones, including some who have died.

Let’s preserve that pattern for our succeeding generation.

Please do all you can to honor others, to help others, to bless others, to encourage others.

Do all you can to be a vessel of godly blessings into other people.

The beneficiaries just might include your children, grandchildren, other loved ones and even friends who harvest blessings of job opportunities or health crisis assistance poured into their lives even after we’re gone.

You know, leaving a legacy of friends willing to help those we leave behind is a really good thing.

As always, I love you

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