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Morning Devotion: Groovy

“In the groove” was a common phrase a generation or two ago.

It’s roots traced to the 1930s adoption of the phrase by jazz musicians who described their moments of mistake-free playing in terms of a phonograph needle sliding without error through a record groove.

Of course, with no scratches or bumps or warped surfaces to encounter, the needle produced signals that were smooth and true to the original intent of the record producers.

It’s all about flawlessly, calmly experiencing the best in a particular situation.

We like it when we’re in the groove on a date, or at our jobs or when playing a sport or when enjoying a hobby or when volunteering at church.

We like it when we’re in the groove while talking with our family members.

And, of course, God loves it when we’re in the groove while worshiping Him.

The fact is that when we join heaven’s choir, we’ll be in the groove forever.

Until then, let’s enjoy the “groove” for His sake in this life.

“Praise the Lord, for the Lord is good;
 celebrate His lovely name with music.”

Practice Psalm 135:3 sometime today.

Play a Christian CD. Turn on a Christian radio station.

Buy tickets to a Christian concert.

Sing a Christian chorus to yourself.

Or at lease hum it.

And sing your heart out next Sunday at church.

It’s the groovy thing to do.

As always, I love you

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