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Sometimes we humans are tricked by our human nature into seeing ungodly choices as if they were hidden eggs in a childhood Easter egg hunt.

We’re not quite sure where the godless eggs of “Get ’em good” revenge tactics or unjust riches or illicit sex are hiding, but we’re sure racing sometimes to find them before somebody else does.

It’s really sad when you think about how often this happens, even among Christians.

This should not be, of course.

For any of us.

And yet, we’ve all fallen and come short of the glory of God.

The specific failure varies from person to person, but the fact of sin is universal.

And it has been since the Garden of Eden, other than for our sinless Savior Jesus Christ.

God loves people and He wants them to follow a better, spiritually brighter path.

That’s why He calls certain people into Christian leadership — to help others step onto and stay on that path.

To succeed in that mission of avoiding the “godless egg” hunts, the leaders are to set the example of what God desires.

And that’s why the Apostle Paul wrote the following words to his ministry apprentice Timothy.

But you, Timothy, are a man of God; so run from all these evil things. Pursue righteousness and a godly life, along with faith, love, perseverance, and gentleness. Fight the good fight for the true faith. Hold tightly to the eternal life to which God has called you.” (I Timothy 6:11-12)

The evil things to which Paul was referring included the chasing of riches, an unhealthy desire to debate over the definition of words and other foolish and harmful desires that “plunge” people into ruin and destruction.

Paul is not saying we have no need of income. He’s not saying we should ignore false teaching in the church. And he’s not saying it’s wrong to enjoy the privileges of married romance.

What he IS saying, instead, is to place the things of God listed above at the top of our priority list.

This is what people of God do as they are running away from those things that are such dangerous threats.

Yes, they are dangerous and can destroy us.

I would never walk up to a grizzly bear and ask to dance. If I saw one coming toward me, I’d run as fast as I could.

Listen, a grizzly is a teddy bear compared to Satan.

Let’s make sure we run from him and his schemes.

As always, I love you

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