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OK, so a husband buys his wife a dozen roses and it’s not Valentine’s Day, a wedding anniversary, a birthday or a “make up for dumb statement” day.

He buys them just because he loves her and wants to bless her.

She’s probably quite surprised, of course.

What she isn’t is silent about the purchase.

Almost certainly, she’ll tell somebody about what her husband did for her.

She just HAS to share the good news of the good blessing.

And so it is to be with us because of the many good blessings that God sends into our lives not because of some special day but instead because He loves us.

We’re not to keep silent about it.

“Give thanks to the Lord and proclaim His greatness. Let the whole world know what He has done.” (Psalm 103:1)

Have an answered prayer? Tell a co-worker that God answers prayers.

A new job? Tell a neighbor that God gives us opportunities to support ourselves and our family if we have one.

A new Spirit-led sweetheart relationship? Tell other singles that God knows you are made for relationship and that you’ve been praying for a life partner who is surrendered to Him.

A blessing of improved health? Tell unsaved relatives that God is in the business of restoration, whether it be physical, emotional, spiritual or d) all of the above.

God has blessed you in some identifiable way. Please let others know how much you appreciate His kindness and how much they’ll appreciate His kindness if they acknowledge Him as their God.

As always, I love you

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