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James 4:17 says that knowing the right things to do spiritually, but then not doing them, is sinful.

I choose to apply this teaching in a positive way.

I intentionally glorify God and help His people when I choose to do the things scripture has called me to do.

I’m turning knowing into doing.

I need to do this with 100 percent of my decisions, which means I still have some room for improvement.

Perhaps you do, too.

We encounter decision intersections all the time, testing if our faith will guide us or if our faith will be seen as the ignored back-seat driver.

We all know which choice God wants for us.

When it comes to sharing money with others in need, what would God have us to do?

When it comes to forgiving one who has offended us, what would God have us to do?

When it comes to rejecting temptations that would damage our Christian testimony before others or perhaps only before God, what would He have us to do?

When it comes to inviting others to a home fellowship group/Bible study, what would God have us to do?

When it comes to giving tithes and other offerings to support congregational and missions ministry, what would God have us to do?

For each of the above and for countless other decision intersections, it’s clear what God wants from us.

Let’s obey His will and avoid the label of “sinful.”

It’s so much better to know that we’ve honored God and helped others.

As always, I love you

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