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The father’s efforts hadn’t solved the problem.

The local physician’s efforts failed.

The town rabbi’s efforts didn’t succeed.

Perhaps even a temple priest living in the area had tried but his efforts produced no result.

And then these apostles of Jesus Christ stepped to the plate and took a swing at it.


What a string of failures.

Then Jesus showed up.

The boy possessed by a demon was soon set free from that terrible tormenter by the divine Deliverer.

“Jesus took him by the hand and helped him to his feet, and he stood up.” (Mark 9:27)

Frustrated by their inability to heal the boy, the apostles asked why couldn’t they do the miracle. Here’s what Jesus told them:

This kind can be cast out only by prayer.”

We all face obstacles for which our efforts and others’ efforts to help have not succeeded.

Some of you are greatly struggling financially. Others of you are hurting much in your relationship lives. Perhaps you’re among those whose bodies are not responding to medical treatment in the desired way and you’re discouraged.

I am facing some tough challenges in ministry and some personal business matters. And I would be foolish to rely only on myself in dealing with these.

I’ll be the first to admit that I am not smart enough or strong enough or wealthy enough or tough enough or spiritual enough to slay these foes on my own.

I need to pray.


For apart from prayer, apart from God, I can do nothing.

The father in Mark 9 was 0 for 5 in getting help, that is until he pleaded for Jesus’ help.

Let’s let His experience give us the needed reminder that prayer is the key to unlocking the intercessory power of God.

Whatever your tough challenge is, PRAY.

And please share this advice with others.

It’s the only path to resolution.

As always, I love you

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