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If you see somebody troubled by worry, you can help them transform from “worrier” to “warrior.”

I’m not talking about martial arts training or paying off their debts or resolving their health issues.

I’m talking instead about helping them to know that they’re not alone.

Encouragement is everything when it comes to having victory over worry.

Here’s King Solomon’s view on the matter:

“Worry weighs a person down; an encouraging word cheers a person up.” (Proverbs 12:25)

Notice the directional element to Solomon’s sentence — worry => down…. encouraging => up.

Look around your workplace or home and lift somebody today with your words. Help them toward becoming a warrior of faith and away from a worrier in fear.

There are battles against the Enemy that need won and warriors are much better suited for the conflict than are worriers.

Everybody likes to win. Let’s share with them our confidence that the battle of eternity has already been won by Him who conquered the cross.

As always, I love you

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