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Morning Devotion: Pop quiz

I never liked pop quizzes in school.

I did OK most times because I generally kept up with my homework.

But there were those days when I knew I was unprepared as the teacher said, “Close your books and take out a piece of paper….”

Invariably, I told myself that I wouldn’t get in that situation again.

And I didn’t.

Until I got back into that situation again.

The sad reality is that we get distracted.

And then we get destructed.


It’s SO much better to stay ready for the test.

Jesus said as much with His parable of the 10 bridesmaids and their lamps and the unknown arrival time for the bridegroom.

Almost 2,000 years earlier, Job taught the same principle regarding spiritual vigilance.

“For You examine us every morning and test us every moment.” (Job 7:18)

Our Abba Father is watching us every moment and examining our hearts every morning as we plan our day.

Let’s do our best to score 100 on those tests.

Our Abba Father will be proud.

And we’ll enjoy contented smiles for knowing we’ve done our best.

As always, I love you

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