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The accounting of love

The accounting of love

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One Response to “The accounting of love”

  1. TINA says:

    You preached my heart pastor Martin.
    I have had a lot of oppurtunity in my life to hold a grudge, But the agape love that has been poured out to me over the years, has shown me that when we inject God’s love to other’s we are more productive.
    The books of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd john are filled with examples of how we are to love one another.
    1peter 4:8 says:
    Above all, love oneanother deeply,because love covers over a multitude of sin.
    We are all familiar with 1corinthians 13:1-13
    My point is this, that when we love oneanother deeply, and love as the lord loves us we are changed.
    We also can change the life of others.
    I am proof of that. The love of certain people in my life has changed me, and taught me how to love others.
    His Love, and Mine

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