Now this is an interesting contrast.
“The house of the wicked will be destroyed,
but the tent of the godly will flourish.” (Proverbs 14:11)
What advantage does a tent have compared to a house?
It is a HUMBLE covering that does not have the risk of becoming a trophy or idol with which to impress people.
It is RELOCATABLE and […]
Category Archive for 'humility'
Morning Devotion: Knowing who I’m not
Posted in humility on Jun 21st, 2017
Here’s a marvelous dose of encouragement that can energize our optimism for life and relationships with others…
“Though the Lord is great, He cares for the humble” (Psalm 138:6)
Let’s always choose humility in our dealings with others and in our willingness to seek God’s mercy for our mess-ups.
It’s one of the best ways to show […]
Morning Devotion: Always about strength
Posted in humility on May 24th, 2017
A light bulb went on for me this morning during my devotional reading in John 13.
It involves the question of why some people choose humility as a life pattern while others do not.
I had long viewed humility as a sign of internal strength rather than weakness. But why Jesus so frequently and so clearly displayed […]
Morning Devotion: Humble power
Posted in humility on Jul 1st, 2015
God empowers the humble.
“For the Lord delights in his people; He crowns the humble with victory.” (Psalm 149:4)
Let’s each put God first and others second.
The blessing of victorious living will be ours in God’s perfect timing.
As we […]
Morning Devotion: Kindergarten U.
Posted in humility on Apr 16th, 2015
“I tell you the truth, anyone who doesn’t receive the Kingdom of God like a child will never enter it.”
Matthew 18:17 is our teacher today.
On second thought, the little kid who loves going to church is our teacher today.
Friendly, unburdened by grudges, enjoying discovery of new things, wanting to share… these are characteristics […]