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I am grateful for the uplifting words of 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17.

I read them this morning during my devotional time and that was a very good thing.

For you see, I had read earlier in the morning from the book of Jeremiah about the ominous warnings that God had given to rebellious Hebrews listening to the egocentric teachings of the false prophets in the days before the Babylonian destruction of Jerusalem.

It is disheartening to consider that so many people who should have lived surrendered, Spirit-led lives for God were instead obsessed with doing the exact opposite.

It actually sounds much like what is happening today in our world, including the portion of Jeremiah’s book that spoke of prophets saying what the people wanted to hear rather than calling them to repentance.

Listen, God doesn’t want people to suffer and that’s why He is not only a God who loves, but also a God who warns.

When we listen to His warnings in the Word or from the voice of His Holy Spirit calling us to godly living, life is SO much better for us, for those around us and for His Kingdom.

Never forget that we were created by and are to serve a marvelous Abba Father who loves to show mercy rather than punishment.

The next time you feel the conviction of the Holy Spirit because of a poor choice you’re considering — or have already made — please remember the nature of God’s heart as illustrated in this passage:

Now may our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal comfort and a wonderful hope, comfort you and strengthen you in every good thing you do and say.” (2 Thessalonians 2:16-17)

Let’s remember all the good that God has done for mankind and for us individually.

Let’s remember the good that God has done through us on occasion.

And then let’s strive to do more good with our actions and words.

Our hearts will be comforted as a result.

As always, I love you

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