Good morning!
Devocion en Espanol
Selected Morning Devotions will start appearing in Spanish, thanks to the efforts of a fellow pastor, Eddy Garrido. He is on the staff with me at SouthWinds Christian Church in Miami, Florida. To access the devotions, click here
Join this ministry
The mission is larger than my means to support it alone. If God has blessed you through this ministry of inspiration, please serve His cause by helping us to bless greater numbers of people.
Power of Prayer
Please share the good news of how God has blessed your prayers or the prayers of others. As this list of prayer victories grows, so will our collective faith.
To submit a prayer victory report, please use the contact form below.
Recent Comments
- Monicah Wanjiru on Morning Devotion: Inglorious neglect
- Patrice on Morning Devotion: A very healthy pill
- Patrice on Morning Devotion: A comforting thought
- Patrice on Morning Devotion: No other way
- Tom and Juanita M. Trowbridge on About this ministry
Hear the Morning Devotion
Morning Devotion promo video
Here is a brief promotional video for the Morning Devotion ministry. It was prepared by professional videographer Vince Taylor, a friend of mine who lives in England. Thanks, Vince! If you like his work, please send him a note at And please let us know what you think, via the e-mail form above. View promo video
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