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Sending more than words

The message is more than the words

The message is more than the words

If you’ve ever been a long way from home and feeling a bit discouraged, a letter from a loved one or friend can be a lifesaver.

Just ask the military service member who spends days in harm’s way in order to protect the future for his or her homeland.

Or ask the medical or ministry servant in a foreign land for the purpose of helping people toward better physical or spiritual lives.

Some of you have been in college hundreds of miles from home and went months without seeing family or hometown friends. When a letter from one of them came in the mail, it was a very good day.

The use of e-mail via the Internet has diminished somewhat the importance of handwritten letters, yet the profound value of long-distance encouragement is as clear as ever.

However it happens, whether by phone or e-mail or snail mail, that communication from a caring person to the person cared for is a vital element in one’s sense of well-being.

You’ve experienced it and I’ve experienced it.

Is there someone in your circle of influence who could benefit from a long-distance act of encouragement?

Who do you know that lives far from you but who is not far from your heart and mind? Is he or she struggling with some challenge just now that has to be burdening his or her spirit? Please take the time to send a handwritten note or letter. Include some bit of inspiration rooted in a passage of scripture that ministers to you.

You’ll both be glad you did.

Perhaps the person is not being whacked by financial or health stress but is being burdened by doubts as to if anybody really cares about him or her. Counteract Satan’s lies being whispered into his or her mind. Demonstrate that Christians DO care about others whom they know. Make the phone call. Send a lengthy e-mail that sincerely shows an effort to strengthen a relationship and not simply check a box.

Why this topic today?

Today’s reading in the One-Year Bible contained Proverbs 25:25 and here’s what that says:

“Like cold water to a weary soul is good news from a distant land.”

There are millions of thirsty souls in this world. A few of them are people whom you know.

Please send a cup of cold water in Jesus’ name. Include some Good News about God’s blessings in your life and some cool insights you’ve gleaned recently from scripture.

Your words of emotional and spiritual refreshment will remind them that God is still on the throne and that they are not alone.

God will see your kindness and perhaps someday stir the heart of another to send a cup of cold water to you when you are desperately thirsty for SOMEBODY to care about you.

As always, I love you

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